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More About KMESC and Club Updates
KMESC was founded by a group of dedicated setter lovers in south eastern Wisconsin who wanted to raise awareness of their beautiful dual purpose companion. Our club members have an archive of old memories that we look forward to digitizing and sharing with you here.
Download KMESC Constitution here
May 2023, excerpt from Newsletter
From President's Desk:
Hi everyone, this year is well underway and we are close to our next event in June already! Please plan now for your Raffle Item and Pot Luck Donations! We will have more information in the next newsletter.
Things you can do now:
1. Vote for June 2024 judges (email or mail Mary Nowak)
2. Donate to 2023 Trophies (send check to Treasurer, Mary K Iverson)
3. Get an ad ready for June 2023 catalog, premium list will be out soon!
4. Make your hotel reservation for June 23-25 in Appleton
5. Volunteer to help run 2023 Hunt Test or 2024 Specialties!
Before our next meeting, here are guidelines for Zoom Etiquette to help those
meetings run smoothly and efficiently.
1. When you join, announce yourself if you are not using video, but we encourage the use of video! Meetings will start close to the scheduled start to allow a few minutes for late arrivals.
2. All Members should mute themselves after meeting is called to order;
3. Please remain muted unless you need to make/second a motion, ask a question, etc. Zoom picks up background noise which makes it hard for the meeting to stay focused.
4. Be respectful of ALL members and make sure you are allowing others time to speak.
Keep details relevant to the discussion at hand.
5. If you have a question or want to share information, please interrupt when appropriate; you can use the "raise your hand" feature or the "chat" feature in Zoom if you are uncomfortable or unable to interrupt;
6. Attendance at a zoom meeting will count (and has counted) toward Annual Awards and
running for Office until further notice;
Meeting Schedule
1. The President will call the meeting to order;
2. The Secretary will take a roll call.
3. President will ask for vote on minutes, which would have been provided in most recent newsletter.
4. The President will call on the Officers and Committee Chairs to give their reports and answer any questions;
5. The President will ask for OLD BUSINESS;
6. The President will then ask for any NEW BUSINESS;
7. The Secretary will take a final roll call.
8. President will set next meeting.
9. The President will then ask for a MOTION TO ADJOURN.
Social time after the Meeting.
See you all May 3rd on Zoom! Take care. Kayla
April 23rd 2022, KMESC FUN DAY - and MEETING
Updates to come soon
4/25/2021 Meeting Updates
-Reminder that existing member renewal dues are due January 31st, you can mail directly to the current Treasurer. Address info on the Board of Directors page.
-New member applications retained by the Membership Chair person
-Reminder that member's puppy buyers can become new members for free? Download the application here and share with your next litter's owners- Breeder Sponsored Membership
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